Duravit zöld A fenntartható fürdőszoba Zöld címkék

Sustainability has been part of Duravit’s strategic policy for decades now. The designer bathroom manufacturer works constantly to keep resource and raw-material consumption and emissions to a minimum, while remaining mindful of its social responsibility. Through its participation in recognised testing and certification systems and membership of relevant associations it plays a pioneering role in the industry.
Sustainable responsibility at Duravit for more reliability and transparency
The Duravit management system complies with the ISO 9001 industrial standard for quality and is subject to ongoing improvement. All sites have systematic environmental and energy management and are certified under ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. Sustainability reporting since 2011 has been in accordance with the new G4 guidelines by the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Through its membership of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), Duravit supports the DGNB system for describing and evaluating the sustainability of buildings throughout their entire life cycle.
Duravit is also a member of Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), an association of building product manufacturers promoting greater sustainability in the building industry. In recognition of its responsibility for resource-sparing construction, it has been awarded the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for its sanitary ceramics and sanitary acrylic product groups. EPDs provide detailed information about the environmental impact of a company’s products and their life cycle.
Duravit is also a member of the Green Building Council (USGBC), an international council that promotes a sustainable future through efficient and energy-saving buildings. One measure advocated by it is the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) programme for green construction, which acknowledges buildings that are designed and built in a particularly sustainable fashion.
At the product level as well, Duravit offers its customers and partners a high degree of transparency and reliability. The European Water Label created by seventy-five European bathroom manufacturers gives voluntary information about the water consumption of products. Duravit WCs are in the green zone of the EWL scale for water consumption of under 3.5 litres. Registration with WaterSense, the leading US testing organisation, confirms that Duravit WCs save 20 per cent on water compared with conventional models without any compromises in terms of function or performance.
Duravit bathroom furniture production has the PEFC seal of quality. PEFC is the largest institution ensuring sustainable forestry through an independent certification system. Wood and wood products with the PEFC seal come from forests with proven ecological, economical and sustainable management.
The Duravit management system complies with the ISO 9001 industrial standard for quality and is subject to ongoing improvement. All sites have systematic environmental and energy management and are certified under ISO 14001 and ISO 50001. Sustainability reporting since 2011 has been in accordance with the new G4 guidelines by the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
Through its membership of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), Duravit supports the DGNB system for describing and evaluating the sustainability of buildings throughout their entire life cycle.
Duravit is also a member of Institut Bauen und Umwelt (IBU), an association of building product manufacturers promoting greater sustainability in the building industry. In recognition of its responsibility for resource-sparing construction, it has been awarded the Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for its sanitary ceramics and sanitary acrylic product groups. EPDs provide detailed information about the environmental impact of a company’s products and their life cycle.
Duravit is also a member of the Green Building Council (USGBC), an international council that promotes a sustainable future through efficient and energy-saving buildings. One measure advocated by it is the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) programme for green construction, which acknowledges buildings that are designed and built in a particularly sustainable fashion.
At the product level as well, Duravit offers its customers and partners a high degree of transparency and reliability. The European Water Label created by seventy-five European bathroom manufacturers gives voluntary information about the water consumption of products. Duravit WCs are in the green zone of the EWL scale for water consumption of under 3.5 litres. Registration with WaterSense, the leading US testing organisation, confirms that Duravit WCs save 20 per cent on water compared with conventional models without any compromises in terms of function or performance.
Duravit bathroom furniture production has the PEFC seal of quality. PEFC is the largest institution ensuring sustainable forestry through an independent certification system. Wood and wood products with the PEFC seal come from forests with proven ecological, economical and sustainable management.
DGNB Duravit is a member of the German Sustainable Building Council, DGNB. The DGNB system describes and assesses the sustainability of buildings and houses. The assessment is a comprehensive one looking at the complete life cycle of the building. | |
Duravit is a member of the Institut Bauen und Umwelt (Institute for Construction and the Environment), an initiative by manufacturers of construction products to meet the demand for more sustainability in the construction sector. It offers a united public image of Ökolabel-type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in compliance with ISO and CEN standards. | |
Duravit is member of USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council), a board that is committed to a sustainable future through effi cient and energy-saving buildings. One measure is the LEED program for green construction. LEED certifi ed buildings save resources and have a positive impact on the health of occupants, while promoting renewable energy. | |
IBU has awarded Duravit EPDs for its sanitary ceramic and sanitary acrylic product groups. The EPD attests to the environmental compatibility of the product and the company’s responsibility for sustainable construction. | |
Unified Water Label
The Unified Water Label (UWL) is a voluntary system by European bathroom manufacturers supported by Duravit and 75 other major brands. The UWL’s online database and product labels ensure transparency by clearly marking the water consumption of bathroom products. | |
Water Sense
Duravit is a member of WaterSense, a partnership program by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is aimed primarily at consumers wishing to reduce their water consumption. Products and services with the WaterSense label save at least 20 % without compromising on performance or reliability. | |
Duravit bathroom furniture production has the PEFC quality seal. PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certifi cation) is the largest institution for ensuring sustainable forest management through an independent certifi cation system. Wood and wood products with the PEFC seal come from demonstrably ecological, economical and socially-sustainable forest management. | |
ISO 14001 The ISO 14001 defines internationally recognized requirements for an environmental management system that will enable an organization to develop and realize an environmental policy and corresponding objectives.. The legal obligations and information about significant environmental aspects are taken into account. View Certificate | |
ISO 50001 The energy management standard ISO 50001 describes the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system. With their help, companies are able to improve their energy efficiency continuously through a systematic approach. View Certificate | |
ISO 9001 is an international quality management standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system in order to meet generally accepted quality expectations. An essential part of this standard is the establishment of a continual improvement process. View Certificate |
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