Szolgáltatás Hírek 22.10.2019 | Bathroom design for now and forever
Michael Sieger translated the familiar basic form and style elements that informed our notion of a sophisticated bathroom into a contemporary design language. Since that time, the Happy D success story has advanced through a number of stages, repeatedly demonstrating new, forward-looking influences that have little time for fleeting trends.
1999 - Happy D. – the original
In 1999, Michael Sieger created an extraordinary series with Happy D. - a unique design innovation with a pure, timeless form that has had a lasting influence on the bathroom scene. He took characteristics from the world of historical ceramics and translated them into a new design with a low silhouette, straight lines and symmetrical curves. The particular formal language ultimately also inspires the name: all the products are in the form of the letter "D" when viewed from above. The success of the series has much to do with the perfect interplay of design, its planning convenience, and its price.
2013 - Happy D.2 bringing elegance into the bathroom
In 2013, sieger design produced an even more sophisticated and distinctive reinterpretation of the unmistakable character of Happy D. With a symmetrical basic form, washbasins, baths and shower trays have a spacious interior that is bordered by a strikingly designed all-round rim. A linen-like furniture finish with a structured surface, the refined, height-adjustable chrome console, wooden consoles with a visible edge of just 12 mm and LED lighting on mirrors and mirror cabinets are unmistakable features of the new era of the series. The full bathroom program looks likely to carry the iconic status of predecessor into the future.
2019 - Happy D.2 Plus
Happy D.2 Plus is a 2019 collaboration between Duravit and sieger design to realize current trends in colors, design, and finishes. The archetypical open oval of the Happy D. design classic also runs through the elements of this new, supplementary range. Above-counter wash bowls with precise lines, stand-alone consoles and matching semi-tall cabinets as well as circular mirrors combine to create perfectly harmonized washing areas. The new range enables elegant, expressive style collections to be individually designed with a darker or lighter basic mood.
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