Szolgáltatás Hírek 13.12.2019 | Savannen 12, Gotland
Limestone was quarried on Bungenas from 1910 to 1960, after which the peninsula was assigned to military use until around 10 years ago. With its deep limestone quarries, bunkers and derelict houses, the landscape here exudes a rugged beauty. Skälsö Arkitekter took this remarkable place to their hearts and drew up a strict development plan specifying everything in the finest detail, right down to the use of materials. Fences are taboo, as are plastic furniture, bright colors and colorful flowers - which would never flourish here, anyway. Skälsö Arkitekter have also demonstrated a creative approach to realizing new buildings as the leading designers in various construction projects.
“Savannen 12” is one of their outstanding properties on Bungenas. It consists of an old bunker whose sides have been unearthed. A large window set in meter-thick concrete allows light into the interior area serving as a kitchen, living room and dining room and affords fascinating views of the surrounding scenery. The low window frame also offers a place to sit or a space in which guests can sleep.
The interior walls have simply been washed down. Classic design furniture and natural colors round off the worn look of the homely interior. An epoxy resin finish in speckled grey and black is reserved solely for the walls and floors of the bathroom with its minimalist furnishings. The classic rectangular Vero washbasin by Duravit takes up the clear design which features throughout the interior.
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