Szolgáltatás Hírek 21.09.2022 | Matching faucets and ceramics for any bathroom
• Avoids water splashes
• Standardized assessment
• Functional, visual, and price-based harmony
• Wishlist and other inspiring features
Online dating has long become normal. So why not also take advantage of the same technology to find your perfect faucets and washbasins? A configurator developed in-house by Duravit helps users find the best combination for faucets and ceramics for any bathroom:
Seeking harmonious unity
From minimalistic through expressive, from extravagant right up to classic: the selection of faucets and washbasins has something for all tastes. At the same time, it is worth remembering that not every faucet matches every washbasin.
After all, not only the visuals and the design, but also the functionality needs to be coordinated to create a harmonious whole. When you wash your hands, water can easily be splashed on to the faucet, the washbasin, or even the surrounding area - and this is equally possible with a tall washbasin mixer with a wash bowl as an above-counter basin, a washbasin with tap panel and surface-mounted faucet, and also the concealed variant with a wall-mounted faucet. To prevent this from happening, and ensuring plenty of hand room, Duravit’s special assessment process decides how the perfect combinations should look – known as the Duravit Best Matches.
Standardized assessment procedure
As with the configuration of a new car, the first step is for internal Duravit trend experts to select washbasins and faucets that are harmonized by design. The next stage is for the selected combinations to be assessed in detail. Washing simulations with a wide range of utensils are used to measure washing comfort. Do the hands have enough room or are things a little cramped?
The assessment procedure deploys standardized components with an identical structure. The practical test is performed by qualified testers. Washbasins and faucets are selected as the best match that work well together in functional terms. The aim is to arrive at combinations that guarantee a harmonious visual appearance, are of an equivalent quality, and are in a similar price category.
Online configurator aids selection
Customers can start their online search either with the washbasin or the faucet and then select the product they require or have already purchased via the series name and item number. The configurator then displays a selection of suitable products. Practical detail: the Best Match combinations can be added to a wishlist.
New products and test results are constantly being added to the configurator. Additional inspiring ideas for the combination of washbasin and faucets are presented in the Virtual Showroom, the faucet brochure, or in the Design Center in Hornberg.
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