Szolgáltatás Hírek 20.12.2022 | Outstanding design – five accolades for Duravit at the German Design Award 2023
“Winner”: striking faucet series, individually configurable shower tray, and faucet brochure
The iconic shapes and sheer elegance of the Tulum faucet series by Philippe Starck were crowned the “Winner” at the German Design Award, as was Sustano, the first recyclable shower tray. The elegant, calm design language of the shower tray impressed the illustrious judging panel.
The faucet brochure, which contains the bathroom manufacturer’s range of faucets and shower heads along with options for combining them with the existing bathroom ranges, took the title “Winner” in “Communications Design”.
“Special Mention”: communications campaign and event
Duravit received a “Special Mention” in the “Excellent Communications Design - Integrated Campaigns and Advertising” category for its excellent communications campaign for the complete bathroom series Duravit No.1.
The Duravit Design Days 2022, a digital event at which the company presented the innovations for 2022, also received a “Special Mention”.
“Gold”: Zencha complete bathroom series
“Gold” - the highest accolade of all - was awarded to the bathroom series by designer Sebastian Herkner in collaboration with Duravit for outstanding design quality in the category “Excellent Product Design – Bath and Wellness”.
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