Szolgáltatás Hírek 23.02.2023 | Sustano - individuality combined with time savings and ease of installation
• Each side can be shortened by a maximum of 100 mm based on individual requirements
• Extremely low installation height
Installation steps for semi-recessed installation
1. The Sustano shower tray is supplied with two outlets with different installation heights.
2. Each side of the shower tray can be shortened by up to 100 mm and individually adapted as needed.
3. Insert the outlet parts and cut the outlet pipe to the length required for the specific case.
4. Measure and mark the installation area.
5. Place the shower tray evenly on the installation surface.
6. Distribute 50 kg weights equally and let the adhesive dry as per the specifications.
7. Screw the outlet to the shower tray and ensure the seal is watertight
8. Then apply the outlet cover and seal the joints with silicone.
Follow the link below to watch the installation video.
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